P a n t e r a  P r i d e                                                

 Volume 7, 2002-2003 - Number 1  

August 2002


Key Dates to Remember:


  •  August 10: 6 PM to 9 PM.  Family picnic and Booster Club meeting at Colleyville City Park-Kidsville

  • August 10: 10 PM to 7 AM.  Lock-in for Panteras

  • August 17:  Panther Pride Night

  • September 3: 7 PM Board Meeting

  • September 9: 7 PM Booster Club Meeting


Presidential Ponderings . . . . .


Hello Pantera Booster Club,


Thank you all for attending the tea in May.  It was a wonderful way to get to meet all the new girls and their parents.  Thanks to all the parents who worked hard to put the tea together, I hope we have started a new Pantera tradition. 

It doesn’t seem possible that summer is almost over and a new school year is about to begin.  Thanks to all the board members who have been working hard throughout the summer to get ready for the upcoming year.  I encourage all parents who haven’t already signed up to serve on a committee to get involved. It is a great way to meet the other parents and get to know the girls. We will have sign ups available at the family picnic.  (Saturday August 10th from 6-9 pm at Colleyville City Park - Kidsville).  Tilly Mack and the social officers have a fun time planned for all. We will have our first booster club meeting in the Pavilion area at 7 pm.  We will have lots of information to share with everyone about Dinner/Auction, Paw Points, Football Season, etc.  We are also trying our best to have a calendar ready that will cover the entire school year.

I can’t wait to watch the 2002/2003 Pantera Dance Team perform at Panther Pride Night.  The girls and Mrs. Cardwell have been working hard to prepare for the upcoming season.  I know they are as excited to start performing their new routines, as we are to see them.

Fall is always a busy time for the Panteras and their families, so mark your calendars for all the upcoming events.  Please feel free to call me if you have any questions or concerns.


Looking forward to a GREAT Football Season!!!

Go Panteras!!!!!


Nancy Maddox

Booster Club President




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Pantera Pride



Greetings from Cardwell's Corner!


Dear Pantera Family:


Welcome back!  I hope that you enjoyed your summer vacation and are ready for school to start.  As you know, the Panteras have been working very hard for a number of weeks now preparing for football and pep rally

performances.  We are very excited about everything that we have planned for the year! 


The Panteras have had two very successful camps.   I am so proud of the level of dedication and teamwork that I have witnessed!  We have an incredible group and I cannot wait to show them off!  On that note, I hope that you can all come out and see our first performance of the school year.  The Panteras will perform at Panther Pride Night at CHHS on August 17 at 7:00 pm.  Panther Pride Night will begin at 5:30 pm with all clubs represented in the Panther Din.  The pep rally will begin at 7:00 pm.  



Things that will be coming home with your daughter:


Cleaning instructions for the field uniform, belt, boots and hat


Cleaning instructions for the new warm-up suit



The calendar for the year




September 28               First "Bob & Sue" practice @ CHHS in the dance room from 1-4 pm.  Cancel officer chor. workshop

September 29               Canceled

Pantera Spring Fling      Sat. Feb. 8 @ 2:00 pm


Be on the look out for the next newsletter, all camp awards will be included in the September edition!


I hope to see all of you this Saturday at the Pantera Family Picnic. (Your daughter received a handout with directions, etc.)


I am looking forward to a super year!


Kim Cardwell


Kim Cardwell

Director, Panteras



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Pantera Pride



Saturday, August 10th
6:00-9:00 p.m.

o  We hope all families can attend to celebrate the upcoming Pantera Season... The Social Officers have many fun activities planned!

o  At 7:00 p.m. parents will have an important Booster Club Meeting.  We must approve the budget, talk about Paw Points, Dinner-Auction and so much more!

o  Bring a picnic dinner for your family.  The Booster Club will provide drinks and desserts.  Remember your lawn chairs, blankets and bug repellent!

Directions:  From CHHS, take Glade Rd west to Hwy 26.  Cross Hwy 26 and continue on Glade past Bransford Elementary. At stop sign turn right onto Bransford Rd.  Pass police dept on right and turn right at Opal Ethridge Prkwy into City Park.


At Family Picnic we will be signing up to bring soda and water to all games for our girls to drink following their performance...so look at your calendars and decide which game you want!

                      Tilly Mack

                       Social Chairperson




As the new year begins, Marty and Cathy Williams are in the process of revamping the Pantera website.  We thank them for the time and talent they have contributed to this project.  The update website will be up and running soon.  We will notify you when it is available for viewing.


Also, most of Panteras receive the newsletter via email.  If your email changes, please inform me, Mike Mohler, at: cmohler@dellepro.com

This will assist me in keeping the newsletter distribution list updated and enable you to receiving the newsletter in a timely manner.


If you don’t have email but have access to a computer, you will also have the newsletter available on the Pantera website.


We saved many dollars last year by emailing vs. hard mailing newsletters.


If you receive a hard copy of the newsletter, normally it will arrive from 2 to 7 days later, depending if I am in town or not.  Please keep the Pantera Booster Club advised of any address changes.


Mike Mohler, Newsletter/Website Chair




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Pantera Pride


$  $  $   Fundraising   $  $  $ 

Times up!  Ready or not, we’re off and running with fundraising plans for this year.  I’m really excited about the fundraisers this year.  The votes are in and with an overwhelming result to accept the assessment plan of paying a set amount of money instead of having so many fundraisers.  We only have a few fundraisers set for this year.  Our first fundraiser is a car wash on Saturday, August 24th from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm at Chicken Express on Highway 26.  I will have a sign up sheets at the Family Picnic on Saturday.  See you there!


Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.  My email address is Joyce.Mohler@UTSouthwestern.edu or home phone 817-267-5612 or work phone 214-648-4775.

 Joyce Mohler



Chaperones Needed for Lock-In!!!


Chaperones are needed for the lock-in this Friday night.  The plan is to run shifts so no one has to stay up all night.

Please contact:


Nancy Maddox at (817) 540-4453


Kim Cardwell




August Birthdays


Michelle Simpson 8/7
Brittani Wilkes 8/8
Elisa Alvarado   8/16
Ali Kamcyzc   8/24



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Pantera Pride


2002 Pantera Dinner Auction


Jubilation and exaltation!  As the ’02-’03 season begins, the Pantera family is preparing for the Annual Dinner Auction.  This year, our event will be held on Saturday, November 9th at CHHS.


On August 8th and 9th, the Panteras went out by squads to canvas the metroplex and gather donations from local merchants.  On September 9th, the Squad Blitz will be closed and the retail cost of each donated item will be tallied and recorded.  On September 10th, the squad that harvested the highest total will be declared the winners!  Each girl on this squad will be rewarded individually with a “Spa-Nail Package”!  This award may be redeemed for a complete spa manicure or pedicure, or it may be applied to a salon service.


Thank you Panteras for your best efforts and charming representation of our team!


At the Pantera Family Picnic, each family was given an information sheet pertaining to the auction, as well

as the opportunity to sign up for the committee of your choice.  If you missed these sheets please give

us a call pronto!  The Annual Dinner Auction is the largest fundraising effort of the year and every Pantera family will participate to ensure the greatest success!  Let’s keep the momentum going to achieve and exceed our profit goal of 15,000 dollars!


Please call with any questions or to schedule a drop off for collected donations!


Bless you,

Mika L. Simpson

Auction Chairperson




Pantera Pride

Colleyville Heritage High School

Pantera Booster Club

C/O Mike Mohler

PMB 188

3930 Glade Rd., Suite 108

Colleyville, TX  76034-5930

