Ponderings . . . . .
WOW!!! What a way to start off contest season. The Premier
Panteras are truly "Premier". All the hard work
put in by the girls and Mrs. Cardwell has truly paid off. I
can't tell you how many compliments I heard from other team's
parents in the stands about our team. Way to go Panteras and
Mrs. Cardwell, we are so proud of all of you!
Thanks to all the Prop Parents for spending countless hours
scraping, painting, glittering, hauling, carrying, sewing and
setting up our beautiful back drops. The hard work really
paid off, they looked fantastic.
This year will be over before we know it, so we are beginning to
plan for the 2003/2004 Pantera Booster Club. The nominating
committee will be hard at work this week putting together a slate
of nominees for next year's board and committee chairs. If
you are a returning parent, prepare yourself for a "would you
be willing to?" call. Thanks to Mika Simpson, Brenda
Davenport, and Joy Brandon for volunteering to serve on this
committee. We will be electing next year's officers and
committee chairs at our next general meeting on March 17th.
I hope everyone can make it to Allen next Saturday to support our
girls at their next contest. I know the girls appreciate all
the parents’ support and dedication to the team. You all
Nancy Maddox
Club President