P a n t e r a  P r i d e

 Volume 7, 2002-2003 - Number 6

February 2003


Key Dates to Remember:  

  • March 3: 7 PM   Board Meeting

  • March 1: Allen Competition

  • March 8-16     Spring Break 

  • March 17: 7 PM    Booster Club Meeting Lecture Hall 

  • March 27-30 Nationals in San Antonio

  • April 8:  7 PM   Board Meeting

  • April 11: Banquet

  • April 14:  7 PM  Booster Club Meeting
















Check additional calendar dates on the Pantera website at:


Presidential Ponderings . . . . .



WOW!!!  What a way to start off contest season.  The Premier Panteras are truly "Premier".  All the hard work put in by the girls and Mrs. Cardwell has truly paid off.  I can't tell you how many compliments I heard from other team's parents in the stands about our team.  Way to go Panteras and Mrs. Cardwell, we are so proud of all of you!

Thanks to all the Prop Parents for spending countless hours scraping, painting, glittering, hauling, carrying, sewing and setting up our beautiful back drops.  The hard work really paid off, they looked fantastic. 

This year will be over before we know it, so we are beginning to plan for the 2003/2004 Pantera Booster Club.  The nominating committee will be hard at work this week putting together a slate of nominees for next year's board and committee chairs.  If you are a returning parent, prepare yourself for a "would you be willing to?" call.  Thanks to Mika Simpson, Brenda Davenport, and Joy Brandon for volunteering to serve on this committee.  We will be electing next year's officers and committee chairs at our next general meeting on March 17th.

I hope everyone can make it to Allen next Saturday to support our girls at their next contest.  I know the girls appreciate all the parents’ support and dedication to the team.  You all are AWESOME! 

 Nancy Maddox

 Booster Club President




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Pantera Pride



Greetings from Cardwell's Corner!


Dear  PREMIER Pantera Family:


WOW, what a great first competition.  I think the Panteras showed us all what they a really made of!  They are truly PREMIER!!  I could not be more proud of the girls and the parental support that this organization has.

Thank you so much mom's and dad's for all of your help prior to the competition and on the day of the event.  I've told you before that there is no way that I could do this with out YOU! 


Here is a list of the awesome awards that we won:


Jr. Solo Winners:  Sr. Solo Winners: Elite:
Daniella Ortega First Place Caitlin Compo 1st runner up Most Outstanding Ensemble 
Shelby Beyer 2nd runner up Ali Kamczyc 3rd runner up


Team: Officer Division:
Sweepstakes  Sweepstakes
Super Sweepstakes Super Sweepstakes
Crowd Pleasers Award  Outstanding Technique
Outstanding Showmanship Choreography Award
Outstanding Technique Outstanding Showmanship
Most Outstanding Routine Best in Class Officer Lyrical
Best in Class Jazz Best in Class Officer Jazz
Best in Class Modern Most Outstanding Large Team Officer Group
Best in Class Lyrical
Show Case Elite Team
Grand Champion - Best Large Team


Congratulations ladies on meeting some of the goals that we set back in May.  Look out Nationals; here we come!



Kim Cardwell

$  $  $   Fundraising   $  $  $

 Begonias, Impatiens, Petunias, and Portulaca

50/50 fundraiser selling great spring bedding plants from March 7th through March 24th.  All plants are sold in flats (there are 18 – 4” plants per flat). The cost is $18.00 per flat and each girl will receive $4.00 in her personal account for every flat she sales.  This is a great opportunity for everyone to earn extra money to get those Banquet tickets for free or to save toward next year out of state competition.  Orders will need to be turned in by Wednesday, March 26th.    Delivery will be April 12th  - just in time to get them planted before Easter.   If you can help, please contact me. 

email address is Joyce.Mohler@UTSouthwestern.edu

home phone 817-267-5612

work phone 214-648-4775                                                  Joyce Mohler or aka: Momma Mohler


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Pantera Pride


February Birthdays

Audrey Alotto February 6    Brandi White February 16
Mandy Brenegan February 25 Desiree Jones February 5

March Birthdays

Crystal Bentley  March 9  Meg Brandon March 17
Jenica Stimpson March 19 Lauren Huber  March 21
Erica Gray March 24




The newsletter is also available on the Pantera website soon after publishing at the following address:
